Friday, May 23, 2014

Israel - Jerusalem (Part 2) - Old City walks through the souks

“The world is a book and he who doesn’t travel only reads one page.” – St. Augustine

The Old City souks, or market bazaars, cover the Muslim and Jewish Quarters of Jerusalem.  They are also a great place to see & observe everyday life of people.  We didn't buy much - a Jerusalem cross for Pat and an old coin necklace for me.  But that wasn't really the point

Yum!  Flatbreads and pastries everywhere

The fresh grape leaf business was owned by the ladies on the sidewalk.  And there was always a line.  What do you do with them, other than make stuffed grape leaves?

By the afternoon, most of the sweets shops were running low.  They must be good

Laundry day!

The green things are fresh almonds, straight off the tree.  They have a very subtle almond flavor, and are somewhat soft in the middle.  We tried them at a bar, where they were removed from the outer green skin and sprinkled with sea salt.  Kind of addictive, especially with a cocktail

Apricots and dates

Nasty looking meat.  None of the meat markets looked very appealing

We also bought some spices.  A giant bag of Zaatar, which is a very popular Middle Eastern spice made with thyme, sumac, sesame seeds, salt.  It's sprinkled on everything.  We also bought a giant plastic jar of tahini.  I've already started using it & it is so good! Yes, we are food nerds.

All of this walking made us thirsty (and hungry).  It's time for a break.

Roasted cauliflower salad with tahini

Fresh sardine salad

Beef tartar

Then we followed the cat's lead.......


  1. That's the scruffiest looking kitty I ever saw. Jerusalem doesn't look like a good place to be a cat ! Cauliflower salad looked wonderful.

  2. Great grub especially the pastries and sardine salad. I loved the kitty
