Friday, May 2, 2014

Images from the Week

On Thursday, we left for Israel - Jerusalem & Tel Aviv - for some R&R.   
But here's the past week in Russia ................
Beautiful skies all week.  I especially liked the clouds on this day

More cool skies, with the arches at Palace Square

Working on my tan with a beer (new haircut as well!)

His tan is already in progress.....

Evening clouds have been pretty amazing as well  (In the Field of Mars park, with Lenenergo Building in the background)

I'm noticing these sidewalk advertisements more often lately.  I guess it's a way to get some free advertising, at least until the city removes them (which in this city, would be NEVER!).
So what is it about?  It's a photography exhibit, running from April 23rd - May 10th, by the "Union of Artists" ( союз художников).  And it's titled "7 Wonders of the World", with a comment that it's "embodied by a woman". 
Interesting......  It's not far from my apartment, and I may have to try to check it out 
 He looks determined.  And he would need to be, to be brave enough to try to skate board in this city

The trees are finally budding

I think he caught me taking his picture.

But they didn't.  Typical High School kids,  no matter what country you are in.

Interesting bird

Playing with fire
Not much work going on there Boys!


  1. Me the haircut. Your Russian weather is so much better than Pittsburgh's. (Never thought I'd say that !) I'm jealous of the sunshine and outdoor beers. BTW - European Starling.
