Sunday, November 17, 2013

Trip to Berlin - Part 2

We really enjoyed our short trip to Berlin, and I took so many pictures.  So here are a few more!
This was on the West side of the city, near our hotel.  You'll see a lot of modern art through Berlin.  I liked how it looked soft & foldable, and it glowed on even a cloudy, grey day.
You can't forget history while walking through Berlin.  It's everywhere. 
Terrible picture, but it kind of has an old time feel (just really blurry), don't you think?

Some art in our hotel (H10 Ku'damm), which I would recommend.  Great location, good prices.
The Brandenburg Gate.  Such an iconic image of Berlin, don't you agree?  Built in the late 18th century and originally the main city gate.  The gate was heavily damaged during WWII.  When the Berlin Wall was erected, it was located on the Eastern side of the city.
The 4 horses & chariot on top with Victoria (the Roman Goddess of Victory) is called a Quadrica.  It was removed by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1806 during the French occupation of the city, and relocated to Paris.  It was returned in 1812, and it's olive wreath was replaced by the iron cross & Prussian eagle that you can see in the picture
And if you are over 40, how can you forget Ronald Reagan's famous speech at the Gate in 1987 ?
General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! 

This is the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, or the Gedächtniskirche.  Built in 1890, but severally damaged during WWII in 1943.  there is currently an effort to repair parts of the church, but the top spire will remain damaged as a reminder to everyone  


I could resist  
The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, also known as the Holocaust memorial.   Built in 2004, it's a little controversial and there is no obvious symbolism related to the design (although it does look a little like a cemetery).
The Topography of Terror.  It's an outdoor museum located on the site of various buildings which were used during the Nazi regime from 1933 to 1945 as the headquarters of the Gestapo and the SS.


 On to a lighter note :).  Did you know that currywurst is a Berlin obsession?  I've had it before in other parts of Germany, but it originated in Berlin. Steamed & then fried German sausage, cut up & served with curry-flavored ketchup & curry powder. 
It's everywhere

So of course we had some.....

Gotta love combining exercise with beer drinking! 
A very socialist mural on what is now the German Finance Ministry building.  It was originally constructed as the German Ministry of Aviation, then the House of Ministries during the Soviet occupation.
The mural was painted in 1950-1952.  18 meters long, it depicts the "Socialist ideal of contented East Germans facing a bright future as one big happy family".  Hmm........... 

And now finally, our trip to the local market (you knew I had to find a market!).  This one is called Winterfeldtmarkt, and is in the area known as Schöneberg in West Berlin

This area has a notable Turkish community, and had some really interesting flatbreads and salads to try (which we did)


 A few final pictures.  A very modern bell tower in Tiergarten......

And Reichstag Building, or Parliament.

I HIGHLY recommend Berlin as a place to visit & discover if you are a traveler



  1. You guys need to stay in Europe a few more years so that I can get there.

  2. Looks like it was a wonderful trip. Can't quite image what curry flavored ketchup would be like. Love the "old-fashioned picture" of you two.
