Thursday, July 18, 2013

Saint Petersburg This Week

Before I share some pictures from the past week, here's a funny (but not so funny) story about my a recent doctor's appointment that I need to get each year in order to get a Work Permit. 

It came up in conversation today with my Russian language teacher, Nadezhda, because we were doing an exercise related to the human body & health, and practicing my use of nominative, accusative, and instrumental noun cases.  Yes, I take weekly language lessons & yes, they are HARD!!!

One of the exercises was about going to the doctor, and I learned the word дышать (dishat), or "To breathe".    And the imperative form is Дыши (dishi);  how you would tell someone to "Breathe!".  And I suddenly made a connection & realized that at my doctor appointment last week, the X-ray technician was yelling this at me!  "Дыши!   Дыши!  Дыши!", and getting progressively more angry with me.    And now I understand why she ran 4 chest x-rays to check me for TB.  Apparently, I was holding my breath or not taking in a large enough breath, and she was rejecting each x-ray. 

4 chest x-rays in one day?  Do I want to know how much radiation I was just exposed to?  And I find it a little funny that passing a TB test once a year is all it really takes to get a work permit in Russia, from a health standpoint.  It really makes you wonder.

On to some pictures................................................................

Peter & Catherine the Great, chowing down on some ice cream

Summer love

Preschoolers learning the hula hoop!

A bride and her harem

Dueling brides, competing for the same coveted position on a bridge for photos

From the back, Catherine the Great looks a little upset that this bride is stealing her spotlight!

 An unannounced fighter jet performance

McDonalds in the park. 





  1. Great pictures and it looks like great summer weather

  2. Looks like you're having such a nice summer and, as usual...nice pix ! Four in one day ? God ! But at least the next time you'll know what you're being yelled at to do.

  3. PS - Pete and Cath ought to get their outfits cleaned.
