Friday, May 3, 2013

May Day

We are on holiday.  A 5 day holiday, if you can believe that! 

May 1st was May Day, and it's an official national holiday in 66 countries (I didn't know that).  What else didn't know about May Day?

1.)  It's a celebration of Spring, and has it's origins in ancient pagan festivals.  It started in pre-Christian times:  the Roman Festival of Flora (Roman goddess of flowers), the Walpurgis Night celebrations of the Germanic countries, and the Gaelic Beltane Festival are just a few examples. summer. 

And in the Roman Catholic church, May is observed as Mary's month, so May Day is usually a celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  

2.) May 1st is also known as International Labor Day, and was created in commemoration of the 1886 "Haymarket Massacre" in Chicago.  The Haymarket Massacre started with a demonstration for an eight-hour day at a plant on Chicago's southwest side on May 3, 1886.  Several of the demonstrators were killed, and workers planned a rally in Haymarket Square for the following night.  During this rally, someone threw a bomb into the crowd.  In the end, seven policemen and four of the demonstrators were dead, with around 60 police & dozens of others wounded. 

May Day became formally recognized the following year.  Many countries made it a national holiday.  Today, it's considered a popular day for parades, demonstrations & protests by various socialist, communist and anarchist groups. May Day celebrations also typically feature military parades.
In The Soviet Union, May 1st was celebrated for years as the "Day of International Solidarity of Workers".  It was a big holiday with massive Communist rallies, military parades & obligatory worker marches.  Today, it is called the Day of Spring & Labour, with the focus back on the welcoming of Spring.  There are still a few parades, but many people use the holiday to go to their dacha & plant for the summer.  Or take a trip.  Because the official Russian Holiday is Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday!  A much nicer holiday if you ask me.....

We leave Friday for Italy (YEA!!!), but spent May Day in St. Petersburg.  And I do have to say that it's starting to look & feel like Spring.

A bike race on Hermitage Square

They were working like mad to get the flowers ready for next week's big Victory Day celebration

The canal tour boats are getting set up

Peter & Catherine the Great are everywhere.  In front of the Hermitage

AND on one of the canals.  They get around!

The police are everywhere, looking for trouble

One of my favorite things about Spring/Summer in the city:   Pop-Up Beer Stands!!!

The corn-on-the-cob carts are also really popular.  But after growing up on PA corn, it's pretty bad

My new favorite vendor.  He's selling licorice ropes in all different flavors

 I found a quote about Spring by Alexander Pushkin, who's considered Russia's greatest poet & lived much of his life in St. Petersburg.  His statue is just down the street from the Grand Hotel Europe.

“In alien lands I keep the body
Of ancient native rites and things:
I gladly free a little birdie
At celebration of the spring.

I'm now free for consolation,
And thankful to almighty Lord:
At least, to one of his creations
I've given freedom in this world!”

― Alexander Pushkin, Collected Narrative and Lyrical Poetry

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