Thursday, August 8, 2013

Back from Vacation

There is nothing like the 1st few days back at work after a vacation.  Especially a super relaxing vacation.  It's hard to hold meetings, listen to endless translated arguments that never get resolved, and re-debate the same topics that we were talking about before I left  (and for the past 6 months, now that I think about it).  I somehow hoped that some of the issues would be magically resolved when I got back !  Hah!!!

But I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things.  And looking forward to my next trip!  Ola Lisboa!!!

And I'm working on my pictures from the vacation - we went to the Amalfi Coast in Southern Italy.  Positano, Amalfi, Capri.  It was an (early) 15th wedding anniversary trip and it couldn't have been better.  I can't wait to share all of the pictures.

But until then, here are just a few images,


Our hotel in Positano, the Il San Pietro di Positano.  It has a hillside garden, where they crew all most of the vegetables and lemons for the restaurant.  I can't even look at a Russian tomato now!

The site of many pre-dinner cocktails

Swimming (or floating) in the Mediterranean.  I can cross it off of my bucket list

Our hotel from a boat


A pre-lunch beer (we were on vacation, after all)

A trip to St. Andrew's Cathedral in Amalfi was worth the boat ride.  I love the Moorish influences in the architecture.

Hillside town shot


So many gorgeous flowers

We have a lot of pictures of crystal clear waters and cliffs.  More to come soon.........................



  1. What an amazing looking place. Seems as though you two picked the perfect place to celebrate 15 years together. As usual, you photos are gorgeous....just like postcards.
