Monday, March 24, 2014

A birthday trip to Copenhagen

I wanted to share a few pictures from our most recent trip to Copenhagen (an early Birthday trip for Pat).  It was our 3rd visit and we love this city!  It is definitely one of our favorite places in the world.
As you can see, the weather was decent.  Not warm, but not too cold & a few days of sun.  We were able to be outside all weekend, walking the city.  A nice break from the current challenges in Russia.....

As usual, I'm dragging behind taking in the sights (and taking pictures), while Pat moves ahead at his own pace
I like the architecture.  Very linear & similar in style, yet they use color in a very deliberate way that makes each building "pop"

I was so happy to see flowers starting to bloom!  I loved these little small yellow flowers covering the park lawns
A bee

OK, enough walking & being outside.  It's time for a beer!  So many choices for our afternoon libation....
He made his choice...... Leffe Brune

It's The Little Mermaid!  No crowds when you take the picture at 7AM during an early morning walk

This is the Gefion Fountain, on the harbor near Kastellet (one of their main fortresses).  The Norse goddess, Gefjun, is the goddess of plowing (!).  The fountain depicts the story of how the island that Copenhagen is on was created.  The Swedish King Gylfi promised Gefjun the territory that she could plow in one night.  So Gefjun turned her four sons into oxen, and the territory they plowed out of the earth was then thrown into the Danish sea, forming the island


Saturday night jazz at Jazzhus Montmartre.  They were very animated - hence the blurry pic!

St. Alban's Church, or the English Church.  Copenhagen's only Anglican church

My kind of bar!

I've never been to this city in the summertime, so I have never seen these trees in bloom.  I'm very curious what they look like!

He was a beauty in person

Good trip...................


  1. It looks like an amazing city. No wonder you and Pat (and Pat's Dad) love it so much. Loved the crocuses blooming and the Great Dane big enough to ride. Great photo right beside the bike...sure shows his size.

  2. Hi Aunt Jen! It's Kara. I love the pics of Copenhagen. Everything is so pretty. I read a book that took place there during WWII. It's called Number the Stars by Lois Lowery. I miss you both. Tell Uncle Pat I said hello. Love u ......Kara

  3. Hi Kara, the book sounds interesting. I will have to look for it.

    Uncle Pat says Hi!!!! Love u, Aunt Jen
