Friday, September 12, 2014

Sorry I've been away for SO LONG!

Hi Friends & Family,

I know, I haven't posted anything since early July. 

As most of you know, I broke my ankle while running on July 8th (to be exact).  And I spent July sitting in my Living Room, wishing I was outside enjoying one of the few nice months of the year.  However, that was not to be......

But it's time to try to get back into the groove of blogging about my life and travels.  Q4 is going to be full of both work & fun travel - Brussels, NYC, Sea Island, Charleston (yes, we have a 10 day trip to the US for mostly work but also some pleasure!), Barcelona, Venice, Helsinki, Prague, and then the US at Christmas. 

Busy, you think????  Year end is always a little crazy, but we seem to be going for a record number of trips this year.  Maybe 4+ years in Russia is taking it's toll.  Plus, I have to shop Duty Free for any decent food these days :)

So stay tuned for some upcoming blog posts.  I'm working on a St. Petersburg July weekend (before the injury), and a post on our vacation to Croatia in early September.

In the meantime, how this for riding on a blessed airplane?  I felt very safe on the flight from Dubrovnik.....