Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I'm tired!

Are you glad the year is winding down & that the holiday's are almost here???

By the end of the year, I'm ready to take a break - from work, from Russia, from all of it.  I am SO looking forward to some time off, which will start this Friday.

We're heading to Rome for Christmas, starting on Friday the 20th.  It's something Pat & I have talked about doing for years, and we decided we just needed to DO IT!.  Then on the 26th, we'll fly to Detroit, drive to Erie for a few days, fly to FL for a few more days, then fly back to Russia.  When I put it that way, it doesn't sound very relaxing, does it? 

So on that note, we took our last trip of the year, excluding our Christmas trip.  Brussels.  Mostly for work, but we did stay an extra day on the weekend to enjoy the city. 

They had a really nice Christmas Market in the area near the Grand Place.  Who can resist a Belgian waffle?

Or some sausage and kraut?

But my favorite, all-time market booth???  The Foie Gras booth!  Are you kidding me???

It was nice enough to sit outside & enjoy my favorite beer (Leffe Blond)

A few more pictures from the Grand Place area. 

They also had a nativity scene, but it was the saddest thing I've ever seen and couldn't even take a picture.  So the Christmas tree will have to do.....



  1. Looks like a beautiful city . I have to say I do enjoy the winter, the beautiful snow, the icicles and the cool refreshing air .

  2. Pretty Jen, you look just like your mama in that Leffe Blond pic above! Enjoy your travels, be safe, and i hope both of you have a wonderful holiday and vacation. xoxox -betsy (PS: Mic, above comment -- who you tryin' to kid?!)
