Sunday, May 26, 2013

Italy Part 4 - Venice

The last Italy posting.  I promise to get back to Russia, per the title of my Blog.  At least for now!

Our last city & stop was Venice.  We decided to drive the 200 miles from Tuscany to Venice, and I'm so glad we did.  It was such an interesting & beautiful drive, through the Tuscan hills & countryside, then through Emilia-Romano & past the Apennines mountain range, around the city of Bologna & into the flat Po Valley, and then finally to Venice.  The terrain was constantly changing & I wish I had taken some photos.

I know everybody says this, but if you get a chance to see Venice, you have to!  Yes, there are too many tourists (up to 60% of the population is a tourist during the busy season).  Yes, the canals smell, especially in late May to October.  But it's a 1500 year old city on 118 separate islands all connected by canals & bridges.  Unlike anyplace anywhere in the world, and it's slowly disappearing. 

We spent all of our time just walking around & soaking it all in.  It was our 1st trip to Venice, and I didn't really want to spend too much time waiting in queues or inside museums.  Venetian architecture is so unique - a combination of Byzantine styles from Constantinople (Istanbul today) and Moorish influences from Spain.

Doge's Palace

I especially loved walking through the alleys in the out of the way neighborhoods.  Away from people.  Stumbling upon small squares, interesting bridges & canals

A Gondola, although most of the drivers still do wear the classic black & white striped shirt

The colors of the old palazzos & buildings are still vibrant, after so many years of wear.


  I love windows

Rialto Market is a "must-do", especially if you are obsessed with them like we are.  Seafood is their thing

"Don't mess with the Rialto", in response with a (failed) city council effort to move the market outside the city center.  What a stupid idea!

Finally, we took a vaporetti (sea bus) to the island of Murano, most famous for it's venetian glass.  Yes, we bought some!

A beautiful place.  Hope to get back there some day...............


  1. Ahhh, Venice ! You have much better luck finding kitties to photograph than I do.

  2. It is a must city to see for anyone who travels
