Monday, March 24, 2014

A birthday trip to Copenhagen

I wanted to share a few pictures from our most recent trip to Copenhagen (an early Birthday trip for Pat).  It was our 3rd visit and we love this city!  It is definitely one of our favorite places in the world.
As you can see, the weather was decent.  Not warm, but not too cold & a few days of sun.  We were able to be outside all weekend, walking the city.  A nice break from the current challenges in Russia.....

As usual, I'm dragging behind taking in the sights (and taking pictures), while Pat moves ahead at his own pace
I like the architecture.  Very linear & similar in style, yet they use color in a very deliberate way that makes each building "pop"

I was so happy to see flowers starting to bloom!  I loved these little small yellow flowers covering the park lawns
A bee

OK, enough walking & being outside.  It's time for a beer!  So many choices for our afternoon libation....
He made his choice...... Leffe Brune

It's The Little Mermaid!  No crowds when you take the picture at 7AM during an early morning walk

This is the Gefion Fountain, on the harbor near Kastellet (one of their main fortresses).  The Norse goddess, Gefjun, is the goddess of plowing (!).  The fountain depicts the story of how the island that Copenhagen is on was created.  The Swedish King Gylfi promised Gefjun the territory that she could plow in one night.  So Gefjun turned her four sons into oxen, and the territory they plowed out of the earth was then thrown into the Danish sea, forming the island


Saturday night jazz at Jazzhus Montmartre.  They were very animated - hence the blurry pic!

St. Alban's Church, or the English Church.  Copenhagen's only Anglican church

My kind of bar!

I've never been to this city in the summertime, so I have never seen these trees in bloom.  I'm very curious what they look like!

He was a beauty in person

Good trip...................

Monday, March 17, 2014

More to come..........

I was in Copenhagen last week - I'll be posting pictures from that trip later this week, so stay tuned!
But I wanted to share a photo.  It's timely.  Across the street from our hotel, I spotted what looked like flowers on the ground.  The next morning, I walked over to check it out. 
If I knew the country flags, I would have realized what it was for ..........

In these uncertain times, a few flower bouquets hold a lot of meaning. 

Let's hope for a peaceful end to the current situation

Friday, March 14, 2014

Russia today

I moved to St. Petersburg in September 2010.  3 1/2 years ago.  It's been a difficult, exciting, fun, challenging, stressful, and amazing experience.  I've been reflecting on my time in Russia recently, in light of current events.  Crazy times we are in.......

Our 1st winter was brutal!  The snow started in mid October and piled up all winter, never melting until late April.

I've had the great opportunity to travels to VERY diverse places in Russia, each unique and completely different from each other.

Moscow, never boring, never slowing down......

The seaside of Sochi, as they were preparing for the Olympics.  So expensive and exclusive that most Russians never get to see it. 

and more typical Russian "mill" towns like Koryazhma and Svetogorsk......

We've also seen a lot of changes since arriving, things that continue to move the country forward.  You might think to yourself  "How is that possible in only 3 short years?".  But it's true & I think that's what tends to happen in emerging countries.  People do want change.

Last summer, we watched a bike race in Palace Square.  It was so organized, cooordinated uniforms & all!

And girls looking for a party and some "trouble".....

Eating McDonalds at the park.  America's (scary) contribution to the world

The pre-schoolers learning how to hula-hoop.  And very safety-conscious in their neon-vests!

My 1st Harley festival ever

So I have hope that things will work out OK over the next few days, weeks, months.  But we wait & see......................................................